These findings support the hypothesis that the Lovejoy flows are flood basalts that compose a large southwestward extension of Yellowstone hotspot volcanism. While processes driving the flood basalt event originate. Mike Collins, a retired administrator in manufacturing, and an avid mountaineering and geology enthusiast, presented his slide show Flood Basalts. Some scientists think that yellowstone could cause a future disaster because: A. If Yellowstone Caldera is a hot spot, then why would it erupt as a super volcano and not a flood basalt like it did when it formed the Columbia River. large volumes of flood basalts are erupted during a short time. Directional correlations demonstrate that some flows traveled at least 75 km and likely as much as 200 km. In many cases, flood basalts are associated with the presence of hotspots, such as in Yellowstone. Flood basalts influence life on earths because: A. Most of the paleomagnetic directions form a tight cluster distinct from the Miocene mean field direction for the region, indicating eruption within a relatively short time span compared to geomagnetic secular variation-that is, within a few hundred to a few thousand years. Paleomagnetic directions of lava flows of the Lovejoy Basalt in isolated localities scattered more than 200 km across northeastern and central California show that they were erupted rapidly and that some of them traveled great distances. Wagner and colleagues hypothesized that the middle Miocene Yellowstone hotspot volcanism thought to have produced the great expanses of Columbia River and Oregon Plateau Basalts also gave rise to the Lovejoy Basalt of California. The escarpment is composed of thin lava flows cut by vertical dikes that feed the initial eruptions of the Columbia River flood basalts.